19 Dec 2022

Dear students, staff, parents and wider community members,
I write to you with information about the Georges River College Principal position.
Ms Leanne Larcombe has relinquished this position after substantively serving the college community in this role for four years. During this time, she has supported the four Georges River College campuses with dedication and care to ensure all students and staff have benefited from a wide variety of high-quality educational opportunities.
Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, Ms Larcombe has led the College Management Group made up of the College Principal and the four Georges River College Campus Principals to ensure a truly collaborative approach and focus on academic and social emotional successes for students based on authentic evidence of data informed teaching and learning practices.
I sincerely thank Ms Larcombe for her leadership and wish her all the very best as she takes up a Principal School Leadership role in 2023, supporting three Principals Networks across metropolitan Sydney, one of which is Georges River.
After an Expression of Interest process completed last week, I am also very pleased to inform you that Ms Anna Tsoutsa, Principal, Auburn Girls High School has been successful in attaining the Georges River College Principal position in an acting capacity until the position is filled substantively in 2023. Ms Tsoutsa will take up this role from day one, Term 1 on 27 January 2023.
Ms Tsoutsa is an experienced Principal and exemplary instructional leader who is delighted to have the privilege of working collaboratively with all Georges River College staff members, continuing the next phase of the college’s educational journey to best serve students and their families across the local area and more broadly, the NSW Public Education system.
I take this opportunity of wishing you all a safe and happy festive season and look forward very much to working with you all again in 2023.
Yours sincerely,
Joanna French
Director, Educational Leadership Georges River Principals Network
19 December 2022